Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Mom's In The Hospital Again!

Well Sunday night my mom wasn't feeling very well. She hadn't been feeling very well pretty much all day actually. She just stayed in bed and either watched her t.v or slept. Late that night just as my dad was about to go to bed she asked if he would take her to the emergency room. I don't know why she didn't ask me, she knows I'm a night owl anyway. But no, she asked my dad, she knew he had to get up for work at 5a.m and it was already around 11p.m. My dad reluctantly got dressed again and helped her get dressed.

They left without even telling me, or even asking me if I wanted to go. They just off and went, I was getting dressed, because I didn't even know they were going until my dad was already dressed and my mom was half-way ready to go. Anyways I missed out, I spent the rest of the night waiting anxiously by the telephone waiting to find out what happened, no call came. Finally, about close to 3a.m my dad came back home to get some sleep for work. He told me before he went to bed that she was admitted to a room which is what I figured and that she had something called Pancreatitis which is an:

Inflammation of the pancreas that results from obstruction of the pancreatic duct. May also be a result of trauma, toxicity from alcohol, infections and drugs. She had that fall recently but I doubt that caused it, as she went to a early fouth of July party some friends of their's were having. I would more likely say it's from her recent drinking. She's also had a bad infection when they performed surgery on her anuerisms. So that could have been a cause, or all of those combined, I don't know. since I don't know exactly which type of Pancreatis she has. There are three to pick from.

I'll keep everyone updated on the health of my mom and what I'm up to.

Anyway, she's in the hospital right now and hopefully they can treat it

Hectic Days

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile I've been pretty busy lately and have been too tired to update my blog. Anyway's here's a summary of what I've been up to. Last week I was busy cleaning just about everything you can imagine. First, I helped my Grandma Fannie get caught up on her cleaning. There is a lot of things she can't do around the house because of her arthritis. That was the first two days. Then on Wensday and Thursday I helped my mom clean the house. My mother's name is Marjorie or Marge for short.

While cleaning the kitchen floor I removed the grate covering the heat/air vent. My friend Matt Phillips called and I started talking to him. Whenever I get a phone call I stop what I'm doing and take a break. Anyway, while I was in my room talking to Matt, I guess my mom went to finish up the floor. She wasn't paying any attention and stepped in the vent, she got a real bad cut on her foot and twisted her hip a little. which isn't good since she had that hip replaced twice. The first hip lasted twenty years before it started causing her pain. She's had this one for a number of years. I eard her cry out and quickly hung up the phone to see what had happened. After letting her hold her foot a bit I helped her up and sat her down in her chair in the living room. I grabbed the first aid kit and disinfected the area with anti-bacterial wipe. Then I put some of that healing cream stuff on it and put a bandage on it.

I swear my my mother is a walking health hazard, almost anything she does anymore is get sick or injured in some way. It really sucks for her. She already had three anuerisms in her brain. Luckily none of them burst otherwise she wouldn't be here today.

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I was working on my Grandma's yard and mine. Had to get them looking as nice as possible.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Wild Wild Rodeo Day!

Once I was awake I went outside and grabbed the newspaper went inside and let Lilo out in the backyard while I did the morning routine. I went back outside afterwards and decided to watch Dr. DoLittle 2 on the TV in Matt's RV. Since I still had to wait for Matt to get up I laid down and eventually started to doze lightly. As soon as I heard the door to the house close I knew it was Matt cause his mom had left earlier that morning. He tried to scare me but didn't succeed in the slightest. He did inform me that it was 12 after 8 so with a bit of reluctance I sat up and helped Matt get things ready for the bike rodeo . We loaded up the RV with the things we were going to take and thought we might need. Then we lower the top of it, it was a pop-up RV from like 1984 but it was in pretty good condition, some repairs needed but definately has potential. We didn't have much trouble getting the RV hitched up, but as we were pulling out the back of the trailer dragged hard against the ground. It always happens when there is a sudden change in the slope or drop in the pavement, gravel, concrete, grass. The back of the RV scrapped against the ground again when we pulled the RV into his churchs parking lot not as hard this time, but still it shouldn't bottom out at all.

The church was where the bike rodeo would take place. I practiced backing the RV up for a little bit, before finally parking it where I had decided would be the best plalce for it. I get better backing up the RV everytime I do it so I try to practice as much as I can. It wouldn't do if we went camping and I couldn't pull the RV up to the site and had to back it in. Practice makes Perfect and If at first you don't succeed try try again! It was only like 10am or so when we were done parking the RV. Matt wanted to check out the rummage sale going on in his church, and I wasn't about to stop him. It was starting to get pretty hot outside. We stayed there for a little while and then went to get some lunch at Home Plate. We kicked ourselves later cause we could have saved 14 bucks by waiting til later in the day. Anyway the rest of the day was fun.

As people were showing up for the bike rodeo Brent and Bethany Harty with their 5 children among the first arrived just as Matthew and I were setting up the RV which would act as a First Aid/Cooling Station/Base Camp. It didn't take long to set up the RV and once that was done we unloaded our bikes from the back of Matt's Van. We thought we would actually be teaching something about working on the bikes but didn't get around to it. A very nice police officer was there to go through everything for us, still if we had more time it would have been nice to actually get the kids involved hands on. Obviously some of the were too young to do hands on but they could have at least watched and maybe even learned something. I must admit though it'd be pretty difficult to keep a child interested in something, especially the younger they are unless of course it's something they're already interested in and then they can't stop asking questions about it, am I right, tell me I'm right! LOL

Some of the things covered by the officer was which side of the street to ride on, how high your seat should be, how to wear the helmet correctly, the importance of bike maintenance, and he talked about a pre-ride check list, that should be done before each time you ride, such as checking your brakes and tire pressure, he even helped fix the kids bike, basically taking away the things Matt and I were supposed to teach. Honestly though, I think he did a much better job than either us could have done. I think we would have made things too complicated for the kids to understand. After the officer had left Brent ran the kids through a bike course where the kids had to demonstrate their ability to ride in circles, straight lines, stopping, figure 8, and slalom.

Once that was done, we took a break at camp, and Matt let one Eme in his RV, but told her she had to behave while she was in their, some other kids took this as an invitation and started going in there as well, normally Matthew and I would have had no problem with it, as long as the children behaved. As I was walking by the RV, I saw that one of the kids was hanging from the middle support for the canvas over one of the pull out beds. I told him to knock it off, just because you evolved from monkeys don't mean you need to act like one. That was made to be hung on, you'll break it. I turned my back for about 5min, and all of the sudden the canvas came crashing down and it was on the same side that one of the kids had been hanging on, well when that happened I had to put my foot down and the lost the privlage of playing in the RV. I suppose we could have hooked the TV up and put in a movie for them to watch, that might have kept them calmed down, but the thought slipped my mind. We had the TV and the DVD player to hook up to it, why we didn't is beyond me.

Well that was pretty much the day for me, I went back to Matt's for a little while then had his dad take me home. Almost as soon as I walked in the door I'm getting bitched at right and left by Brian about Derrick's bike, and where was it, what did I do with it, I couldn't help but yell at him, cause I had told my mom I was taking Derrick's bike with me and the reason I was taking it. I figured she'd be going down to my aunts out in Woodsmoke Ranch along with my nephew and he wouldn't be needing his bike. Then he was angry cause my bike wasn't here for him to use either. I told him you know what shut up, your not the one you paid money to get it fixed, your not the one you fixed it up, so you sure as heck aren't going to do something to wreck it, or use it and then it gets stolen. I've had it happen with one nice moutain bike I had already it's not going to happen to this one. Well he pretty much shut up after that and I went to my room and shut the door turned on the computer and started writing about my day while watching Batman and Robin.

Good Night, Everybody, Sweet Dreams, and Take Care

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

What A Great Day!

Well the day got off to an intresting start. My mother came in and woke me up and told me that my buddy Dustin called. She had origionally thought that Dustin was asking for my dad who's first name is the same as mine. I was partially named after him, which I should really consider an insult since he is such a jerk. I won't bore you the details concerning that just now, since it would need it's own website to do it justice. Anyway as soon as she told me, I bolted upright, found his number and gave him a callback. Nobody answered the first time I called so I left a messege. Then I gave Matthew a call, again nobody answered. Apperently, he had been in the shower at the time and didn't hear the phone ring, as I found out later that day. After a little while I decided to give Dustin a call again this time I tried his cell phone, and once again I got no answer, so I left a messege on that.

Eventually, He returned my call, and told me that he and his friend Ryan and 1 other person would be going out boating. He wondered if I would like to join them. Before I could even think it, I was already saying "Yes, of course I would love to join you!" He asked if I could find away to get over there, so I quickly asked my mom if she could drop me off. She gladly did since she knows how much fun I have when I go out.

So she drops me off at Dustin's, and in the garage were three people. The first one I recognized to be Dustin. The secondperson I saw was Ryan, I knew him from dirtbiking. The third person who was a friend of Ryan's surprisingly turned out to be my cousin Jeremy. I usually only see him at family get togethers. I was glad and really surprised to see him. I guess it very well may be a small world after all, lol. They were already set to go, so after unloading my stuff and putting it in the back of Dustin's truck, we were on our way. We stopped at a gas station along the way, so Dustin could fill his boat up with gas and Ryan and Jeremy could get some Gatorade and a couple of Snickers Bars. I stayed in the truck, I didn't have any money and didn't want to be bumming money off of anyone. Besides, I had brought along a couple of Pepsi's which was plenty for me.

It didn't take long for us to get to the River, and once we got the boat unloaded, it was all fun and games afterwards. Dustin had brought his tubes with him, so we were able to go tubing. At first we just used one, which was fine by me cause I wanted to go forwards instead of backwards this time and let me tell you it was hard at first but the more you do it the better it gets, especially using the tube to jump the wake from the boat. After pulling one tube, we decided to switch to wake boarding, which is a lot harder.

I didn't go wake boarding but Dustin and my cousin Jeremy did. Ryan wasn't able to get his feet into the shoes that were on the board so he couldn't go. He tried his hardest to get his feet in, but they just wouldn't go. It was fun watching them wake board. My cousin tried repeatedly to get enough air to clear one side of the wake to the other and went down hard each time. Dustin on the other hand didn't ride too hard as he is still nursing a back injury from dirtbiking, but he still did a couple small jumps. Once when Ryan was turning the boat and had hit the throttle too much and Dustin dove head first into the water. He hit it hard, after riding a little bit more he decided to call it quits. Once we had him back on we returned to shore to fetch the second tube Dustin had brought with him.

Now since I had rode the tube back to shore, getting whipped about behind the boat. Ryan and Jeremy got to go on the tubes first. With two tubes being pulled behind the boat it looked fun, they would try and kick each other off the tubes by making the tubes flip. My cousin knocked Ryan off three times. Well, after that Ryan said his arms were hurting from pulling himself out of the water soo much. But if you ask me three times isn't that many. Now when Jeremy and I were being pulled behind the boat it was a blast. I would usually get a lot of height from my jumps and one time as I was jumping so was Jeremy, I jumped higher than him so he just knocked me right off. On another run, I had managed to get knocked onto Jeremy's tube while he was swing hard about, then I rolled to the side and managed to hold on long enough to right the tube since it and I had landed on Jeremy's tube on our backs. It was so funny and cool too. I wish I had a picture or video of it. Next time I go out I'll have to borrow one. After that we deceided to call it quits for the day. It didn't take that long to get back, well it took longer than going out there, but there were a lot of semi's and construction.

Once we were back at Dustin's I noticed Matt's Van in his driveway so I went over there. I just had to tell him about the exciting events that happened. I told him I was sorry he couldn't come. I mean if he would have answered the phone he would have found out Dustin was going boating and he could have gone too. Unfortunately things didn't work out that way, and I didn't know he was still home once I got to Dustin's. I thought he and his family went to go visit John. His mom and dad were actually on there way out to visit John when I had gotten back from boating. I was thirsty and hungry from my hours spent tubing and boating so I asked Matt if he had something to drink, I had hoped he still had some Cherry Coke Zero left, He didn't but he did what any best friend/practically brother would do and suggested we go get dinner somewhere as it was about 4pm.

We went to the Gyro Shack which is close enough to his house you could easily walk to it, but we still decided to drive there. We ordered something to eat and went back to Matt's where we ate out in his back yard, while poor poor Lilo was begging for food. Matt gave her a couple french fries, while I reminded him that it was bad to feed a dog table scraps as it can be unhealthy for the dog, and would cause her to beg more and more, while at the same time causing her to lose intrest in her own dog food instead of people food, which dogs will always prefer. But with a bit persistance a dog will learn not to beg. After we finished eating we went in and relaxed for a while and got interupted by some teens selling magazine subscriptions. By the time we we got done dealing with those teenagers it turned out to be later than Matt had guessed. He was late for his Scouts meeting.

Well I tell ya he got ready quicker than two shakes and a jiggle. We hightailed it to their regular meeting place wher Matt ran inside while I ran to the nearest gas station and grabbed us a couple of 1liters which I quickly brought back. Once inside I got to meet the parents of the pack so to speak. I even got to meet Brent and Bethany Harty and their wonderful kids. I can see what a handful they can be, but don't they just bring soo much joy. While there I sat in on a parent meeting and volunteered to help out with their bike safety activity taking place on Saturday. After that I spent a little more time with Matt and headed back to his house where his dad gave me a ride home.

Once home, I pretty much took it easy and now I'm writing in my blog, so there you have it. I hoped you like reading about my day, was it long enough for you, haha!!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

"Girl Of My Dreams"






“Too Much Love For You”

Your hearts been broken,
And my hearts been stolen,
Baby why don’t you come here and let yourself open.
You can talk and I’ll listen.

Verse: 1
I made you the girl of my dreams,
Cause you were never far,
No matter where you were,
You were in my heart and in my dreams,
Nothing was like it seemed.
Remember when I said you were beautiful,
and that was no lie,
Its so true it makes you wanna cry,
When I see you my mouth goes dry,
My palms get all sweaty and shit,
My breathing gets heavy and shit,
My body grows numb ands crap,
And my mind grows dumb and crap.
Your voice is sweet, and that’s no feat.
Cause I always feel my heart just skipped a beat.
Your hair: fair, It makes me stare,
Your eyes are a wonder, They make me blunder,
As my heart grows fonder,
So how can I ask you, to be mine?
Cause of you I forget my nine.
Baby these feelings are true,
When you walk by me I turn blue,
Cause I really wanna be with you.
But right now I know.

Your hearts been broken, (but you know what)
And my hearts been stolen,
Baby why don’t you come here and let yourself open.
You can talk and I’ll listen.

Verse: 2
Till I met you, I never thought love existed,
All I thought life was about was getting twisted,
They say beauty is all around, You can find it on the ground.
Someone told me to go find it in the park,
Went, looked, and didn’t find shit,
The only place I found beauty was in you and in your heart.
Saw it in your face, HAHA, how it made my heart race,
As I look into dem killa eyes, All I could do was sit back and sigh,
With this song hope you feel me,
Screaming my heart out, seeing if you hear me,
Oh, I see that smile, Baby now can you open my love file?
Look I know

Chorus: (to the end)
Your hearts been broken,
And my hearts been stolen,
Baby why don’t you come here and let yourself open.
You can talk and I’ll listen.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Great Day

So I woke up yesterday about 6am after only getting maybe 2hrs of sleep. That was one of three low points that happened throughout the day. After taking care of my personal hygiene and all it entails. I spent two hrs cleaning the house, getting as much done as I could before taking my friend Matthew to a job interview he had for a child day care center. After dropping him off at the day care, I went back home so I could get gas money to put into the van. Gas prices are getting out of hand these days, but without it the places I could get to would be very limited.

I got the gas, and was on my way to pick Matthew back up when all of the sudden the vehicle in front of me slammed on his brakes. Luckily I am not the kind of driver who follows to closely. He on the other had been exactly that kind of person. As it turned out the car in front of him slammed on his brakes to avoid hitting this dumb ass kid on a bicycle. By the time the car in front of me slammed on his brakes it was to late for him to avoid rear ending the car if front of him. I had just enough time to apply my brakes and avoid hitting him. Well, since I was so close to the accident of course I hopped out and offered my assistance to the drivers of the vehicles in front of me. What kind of person would I be otherwise?

It took the police about 30min to arrive, and all the while Matthew was waiting for me to pick him up so I was getting really annoyed. Having witnessed the accident I knew the police would want a statement from me. I gave them the information as quickly and accurately as I could. Once I was done, I quickly hopped in my van and drove off to pick Matthew up. I knew he was already waiting for me, as he had called the house just after I got back from getting gas. This was the second low point of the day for me.

I finally arrived at the day care Matthew was at and he was already standing outside waiting on me. Luckily for me he didn’t look too pissed, at least not at me. He was pissed however about the fact that he missed out on the job because he lacked 3 measly credit hours in child development or some such. By the time I picked him up it was almost noon. So we decided to make a run for the border, had to have some Tacos. After we finished ordering our food from Taco Bell, we started heading to pick up his deviant little brother aka John from school. Got there about 12:45pm and found out how bad he had been in school. On the field trip they went on He was provoking the other students and hit one of the girls that was on the bus with him. Yet he doesn’t think what he did was wrong, he never does. That’s why I call him a little deviant, and he usually gets away with it.

After picking him up we went to go look at some bicycles this guy was selling but along the way we got a little sidetracked and stopped in at a business our friend Holly owns called The CakeBox it’s a little bakery, with excellent food. At which point John managed to convince Holly to give him a free cookie and a small soda. It was nice of her but I should have said NO, He can’t have a cookie he hasn’t earned it, he was bad in school today and hit a girl, which is something that you never do. We spent some time talking with Holly and her business partner Tia. Tia and Matt were talking about prices on spaying a dog. Matt has a 9mo old female Boston Terrier called Lilo after Lilo and Stitch. His parents want him to get it spayed. After they finished the conversation, but before we left Matthew asked me if I wouldn’t mind running him across the street to yet another child day care center where he managed to talk to a lady a get information about the job and how to apply.

Once he was finished talking to the lady, we finally managed to get to the place we were originally going. The place we stopped at was actually someone’s house and they had various antique bikes displayed out front as well as a vintage dirtbike. We were expecting to meet with an old man and were surprised to see a young boy about 12yrs old. It turned out he was the one who actually fixed and sold the bikes. He had a very sharp mind for a 12yr old and was very knowledgeable about bicycles. We spent maybe an hour going over various bikes and bike parts. Afterwards, we finally headed home, because we were supposed to go out boating on the river with our friend Dustin.

Dustin is Matthew’s neighbor and he owns a business doing home remodeling, he was the one who was going to be taking us out on his boat. He also owns 4 Dirtbikes, occasionally he stores one of his buddies 4-wheelers in his garage. Before we headed down to the river, we had to swing by the country club he belonged to because he misplaced the keys to his RV. Unfortunately, we were unable to find them even though we looked as hard as we could.

Once we got down to the river it was like another world. We launched the boat from one of his friend’s house along the river. He let me back the trailer up into the water so he could just slip the boat off. Once on the river, we had a blast. Dustin even let Matthew and I pilot the boat. Word of advice, the faster you go with a boat the more control you’ll have with it on the water. After we both were able to pilot the boat, we went to one of Dustin Friends house on the river.

We sat on the boat and just talked and chilled. After about an hour of chatting, Bryce Dustin’s Friend asked me if I wanted to go tubing. What could I say but yes. I decided to face backwards because it’s easier, it was my first time. Next time though I want to try going face forward, Which is a lot harder and you will get thrown off quite a bit. That was a great time, being pulled at full speed flying this way and that anytime he turned the boat around. After I was done tubing, we loaded up the boat and stopped by Bryce’s house. While we had planned to just stay for a little while, we happened to get blocked in. So in the end we wound up staying out there till about 10:30pm maybe 11pm tops.

When we got back to Matt’s I was soo pissed off, because I had just cleaned the living room and John “The Deviant” O’Brien already had it trashed with papers, food, and toys. None of which his parents ever make him pick up so everything just get piled up, making it harder to clean. Really, I don’t know why I got soo pissed it was probably lack of sleep at this point. I was soo tired that I just decided to crash at Matt’s for the night.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Sane And Insane

Well, I think everyone has their sane moments and insane moments. I may be sane but I seem to be drawn to the insane. Does that in itself make me insane? Take my last girlfriend for example. She was a pathological lying drama queen, and that was on a normal day. Despite several warnings from her ex-boyfriends, I still decided to date her. I mean come on, you can't expect me to immedialtely believe something I hear about someone, right!

Well it didn't take long for her to start lying to me. First, she told me one of her ex-bf's was harrassing her. That turned out be untrue and in fact was exactly the opposite, she was harassing him. Second thing she lied about was being pregnent, turns out that because of scarring on her fallopian tubes she can't get pregnent. Third, she lied about a co-worker making passes and feeling her up when she was at work. Upon futher investigation this too turned out to be a lie. Can you see a pattern forming here, GOOD! When they say love is blind it's also deaf. No matter who told me that she wasn't any good for me, I didn't listen! I could have saved soo much heartache, if I had listened.

The moral of this story is always listen to the advice of others and take it into account before jumping into any relationship, whether business or personal.