Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Sane And Insane

Well, I think everyone has their sane moments and insane moments. I may be sane but I seem to be drawn to the insane. Does that in itself make me insane? Take my last girlfriend for example. She was a pathological lying drama queen, and that was on a normal day. Despite several warnings from her ex-boyfriends, I still decided to date her. I mean come on, you can't expect me to immedialtely believe something I hear about someone, right!

Well it didn't take long for her to start lying to me. First, she told me one of her ex-bf's was harrassing her. That turned out be untrue and in fact was exactly the opposite, she was harassing him. Second thing she lied about was being pregnent, turns out that because of scarring on her fallopian tubes she can't get pregnent. Third, she lied about a co-worker making passes and feeling her up when she was at work. Upon futher investigation this too turned out to be a lie. Can you see a pattern forming here, GOOD! When they say love is blind it's also deaf. No matter who told me that she wasn't any good for me, I didn't listen! I could have saved soo much heartache, if I had listened.

The moral of this story is always listen to the advice of others and take it into account before jumping into any relationship, whether business or personal.

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